Thursday, October 15, 2009

DailyDev Wave Robot 0.3 released

Third iteration release of DailyDev Wave Robot client library which extends Google's Wave Java Client Library and makes development of Google Wave Robots much simplier.
This version adds to the library following features and enhancements:

  • Architecture refactored and enhanced
  • Updated to be compatible with Google Wave API version 20090916
  • Capabilities document generation updated according to changes implemented into 20090916 version of Google Wave API
  • ButtonPressedFilter implemented to filter button press events
For more details or downloads visit Dailydev Wave Robot project's homepage.

Monday, August 24, 2009

DailyDev Wave Robot 0.2 released

Second iteration release of DailyDev Wave Robot client library which extends Google's Wave Java Client Library and makes development of Google Wave Robots much simplier.
This version adds to the library following features and enhancements:

  • Dependency on Velocity library removed - capabilities document is generated directly
  • Enhanced architecture - decomposed and consolidated, interfaces defined
    • RobotHandlerAdapter extracted
    • Capabilities handling extracted
    • Profile handling extracted
    • Serialisers extracted
    • Robot class extracted from RobotController to enable Spring-less integration
      • RobotController will be responsible for HTTP handling, parsing, robot invocation
      • Robot will be responsible for event handling
      • Robot's interface will be Spring-less and servlet-less
  • Logging and error handling consolidated
  • Extensible filtering mechanism over the handler method calls provided - configurable chain of filters will decide wheather the method will or will not be called for certain event (eg. based on users permissions or presence of some word in the document).
  • Set of servlets for Spring-less deployment
For more details or downloads visit Dailydev Wave Robot project's homepage.

Monday, August 3, 2009

DailyDev Wave Robot 0.1 released

Very first release of DailyDev Wave Robot client library which extends Google's Wave Java Client Library and makes development of Google Wave Robots much simplier.
First version implements following features:

  • Annotation based event to handler operation mapping
  • Automaticly generated capabilities.xml based on registered handlers
  • Automaticly generated profile based on robot configuration
  • Currently just Spring integrated solution provided
For more details or downloads visit Dailydev Wave Robot project's homepage.

Monday, December 8, 2008

BIRT Ant Task 1.0 RC2 released

Release candidate number 2 of BIRT Ant Task 1.0 just released.
It includes few minor bug fixes but also some new functionality and enhancements. Worth mentioning are:

  • except formats supported in RC1 (HTML/reportlet and PDF) supports new output formats like DOC, PPT, XLS and POSTSCRIPT
  • output formats are not restricted by any enum anymore so also 3rd party emmiters are then supported
  • input list of reports to be generated is also more generic and open

To get more information visit BIRT Ant Task project's homepage.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BIRT Ant Task 1.0 RC1 released

First release candidate of 1.0 version of BIRT Ant Task project just released. It provides functionality of BIRT report generation from Ant build process so then they can be part of build delivery. Currently HTML and PDF formats are supported and HTML format can be also generated as "reportlet" so it is simple to embbed report in arbitrary HTML page or site.

To get more information visit BIRT Ant Task project's homepage.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

JIRA Dashboard Sharing Plugin homepage moved

A homepage of JIRA Dashboard Sharing Plugin moved from Google Code hosted site to new location on home site.

Monday, July 14, 2008 domain launched

The domain just launched. Current goal is to build a site to serve as hub for all my (in the future mabye also other's) open source and hopefully also some commercial software projects.

I also decided that I will try to build the site arround Google Apps. I hope that will enable me to build usefull and extensible site in a short time and will be able to integrate it with all of those very fancy Google Tools.